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Write It Out

Write it down; your fears, your worries, your feelings. Sometimes it can help to write these things out of your system, especially when you are in PMDD.


One good thing that PMDD has taught me is mindfulness and self care. I recently had to take some classes on meditation and mindfulness for a requirement. In class, we learned how to be more conscious of our bodies and our surroundings. We often did an exercise called a full body scan: we would lay still and scan our bodies to become aware of the sensations. We would also train ourselves to feel the feelings and pain without letting them consume us.


Finding Balance with PMDD

Since I was in my teens, I noticed that I’d have periods of depression or anxiety. I could never figure out that these feelings peaked a week or two before my period. A year or two ago I wouldn’t have been able to feel this shift. I want to share some things that have been working for me.

Sarah’s PMDD Story

The most common misconception about PMDD is that it’s the same thing as PMS, and that’s very incorrect. It’s a much more severe than PMS and can cause debilitating symptoms that interfere with a woman’s ability to function. Living with PMDD is almost like being two different people.

How to Practice Self-Care?

Self-care is about learning to prioritize yourself, as well as adding small and happy moments to your days to improve your quality of life. While developing your self-care routine, here are some important things to incorporate.