Are you looking to share your story to offer hope, support, and empowerment to other PMDD Warriors? Do you like to learn all you can about PMDD/PME through online research and share with others? Do you have a creative take on managing PMDD symptoms, the treatment journey, or purely living life with this disorder? Your voice matters! Read on to learn how you can contribute to the blog as a Guest or Regular Contributor…
Our Content Vision
As an extension of Me v PMDD, all content on The Warrior shall aim to empower, support, and offer hope to PMDD Warriors of all walks of life, opinions, and backgrounds. Contributing writers recognize that each person’s path to healing with PMDD can be different. Thus writers don’t proclaim one right way to healing, rather offer multiple helpful suggestions through lived experience and research.
There are 4 different types of contributions:
- Personal stories/thought pieces
- Raise your voice! Say what you got to say! Maybe your story is exactly what someone else needs to hear to keep fighting…
- Summaries of Research and Treatments
- These can be summaries of articles and scientific literature on PMDs, or they can be general summaries of helpful resources, validated treatments, or novel approaches toward better managing conditions strongly related to PMDs.
- How-to Guides
- Like “How to tell your new partner about PMDD” or “How to cope with PMDD anxiety”
- Interviews
- We can help connect you with top researchers, clinicians, and advocates in the PMDD/PME field to get their thoughts on a variety of topics. Interviews are mainly assigned to Regular Contributors.
Story Ideas
We’re bursting with PMDD blog ideas. If you don’t know what to write about, try these:
- What treatment options have you tried? What’s worked/not worked for you?
- How do you manage PMDD & work? PMDD & kids? PMDD & school?
- How do you practice self-care?
- How do you deal with suicidal ideation?
- Why do you fight PMDD?
- What do you know now that you wish your younger-self knew when she first experienced PMDD?
- How can we advocate for ourselves at the doctor’s office?
- What therapy should I try for PMDD?
All the Details…
Warriors submit story drafts using the form above or submit story ideas to Our editors will get back to you within two weeks of submitting your draft or idea, to let you know if it fits with our content, and work closely with you over the following few weeks to edit and refine your draft before publishing on The Warrior and Me v PMDD’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Guest Contributors
All warrior writers start here. You’ll publish your first few pieces as a Guest Contributor (one-time submissions are also AMAZING!).
Regular Contributors
If you’ve contributed a few times and enjoy writing about PMDD to help others, we’d love to invite you on as a Regular Contributor. Regular Contributors will publish about one piece per month, though given PMDD and other life challenges, we’re more than happy to work out an alternative publishing schedule with you. We will also support our regular contributors with tackling specific stories or assigning interviews in line with their personal interests to further build the content of The Warrior
Crediting Contributors
We’ll include an “About the Warrior” section at the bottom of your piece with a short bio you’ll create and links to your website/blog and social media sites if you so desire.
Written pieces are between 500-1200 words in length, but we’re flexible on this.
- Paragraph format is as follows:
- single space between paragraphs
- single space between sentences
- no indentation for the first line of a paragraph
- Submit your story as a .doc, .docx, or other Word Document file
Image guidelines for all submissions:
- If you can, please attach an image when you submit your story that can be used as the featured image on the blog and for social media
- Try to find something eye-catching, positive, high-quality, that somehow portrays the topic of your piece
- Feel free to attach a few if you can find a couple different options
- Images may be your original art/photographs or from another artist/photographer. Give photo credit if applicable. (i.e. @photosofawesomepeople on Instagram)
- Submit your image as a .jpg, .jpeg, or .png
- *** If you can’t find a good image to include, no worries! We can work together to help you find one before your piece is published.
For all submissions, include:
- Bio (for our About the Warrior section)
- two to three sentences about who you are as a PMDD Warrior and/or person in general
- social media links
- a link to your blog or website
Your Turn
If you have questions or a story idea, please email our editors at
Submit all pieces with this form.
We look forward to hearing from you and working with you!