Embracing The Positive Side Of PMDD

the positives of PMDD, woman smiling in the sun

We’ve all had our fair share of exhausting PMDD days, and often enough it’s easy to feel like there’s no light within the dark. If being a warrior has taught us anything it’s understanding the power of thinking positive. Let these warriors be your guide to finding your inner strength for those who need to hear it.

Thank you to all who bravely shared!

The People. I’ve had the most amazing people enter my life through involvement in the PMDD community.


It’s made me my own worst critic, which is a bad thing in some circumstances, but without it, I wouldn’t be as determined as I am today!

Georgia Abigail

I’ve found having PMDD while trying to conceive takes away all the guesswork and stressful temping, ovulation tracking and all that other nonsense. Because of PMDD, I am so in-tune with my cycle. I know when I’m about to ovulate, when I’m ovulating, and of COURSE right after my PMDD sets in like a flip of a switch.


Realising I have PMDD/ PME has helped me face up to things I never knew were problems. I’ve now developed tons of coping skills, a must-find-a-way attitude, and non-judgemental to other people facing whatever they’re facing because as a result of this I’ve probably felt and faced it too. I’ve found my light, and can still see it shining even on dark days..even if it’s faint. I have found my voice.


It’s given me a great sense of confidence once in a while…. like I can’t be stopped because I do not care what others think.

Sarah Amanda

It has taught me to be more present. I learned DBT and share it with others. I’m able to help other women struggling with this illness. I encourage others not to be so quick to judge and write it off. Ask, comfort, and support. It’s also taught me to be more patient with people with mental or physical disorders.


I have more self-awareness and insight into why things have happened in the past. Since being ‘diagnosed’ and starting on an SSRI I have gotten much more control of my life than ever before.


Understanding that I’m not insane.


PMDD has made me even more appreciative and thankful for the good times in life when my PMDD doesn’t bring me down. PMDD can make you very vulnerable emotionally so true friendships have real value, I am thankful for those that I have.


Wow, when I think about it, there are a lot of positives. Being part of a community and connecting with others. 


I became a well-being champion at work following my hysterectomy after 8 years of PMDD. I am also trained as a mental health first aider. I wouldn’t have accomplished that if I hadn’t been given the experience PMDD put me through. I also talk to people at work about hormonal disorders and how to approach your employer.


Now I’m not afraid to speak about my PMDD, and slowly bringing awareness of PMDD to others.


My positive? Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

Leah Rose

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